40% Kit Installation

40% Kit Installation

These kits should be installed in transmission that are in good working condition. They are not designed to correct existing problems. Repair any deficiencies before installing the kit, Before beginning it is recommended that the repair manual be consulted for transmission configuration and parts familiarization.

1. Support the car in a secure position with the front wheels removed.

2. Disconnect both left and right CV’s from transaxle using 8mm 12 point socket. It is possible to install the kit with only the inner CV removed. To increase access, the axle assembly can be removed entirely by removing the outer axle nut. Before placing the car on jack stand, loosen the outer axle nut. Once the car is supported. remove the 3 bolts securing the ball joint and the entire axle assembly can be removed. Alignment should be checked later as the ball joint removal may change camber settings.

3. Remove excess grease from the drive flange and remove the rubber cap (seal) with a screwdriver.

4. Install the lOmm stud from the flange tool into the differential shaft. (Examine threads prior to threading bolt to verify condition of the threads. If necessary. clean with tap) Slip the clamp over the stud and install the nut. Tighten to keep pressure applied to the flange. The flange is under pressure from the spring and could come off with force if not properly removed.

5. Remove the snap ring and discard (new ring supplied).

6. Remove the flange tool. Save the concave washer if the 40% kit is being installed. It is not used on the 80% kit.

7. The flange has a spring and spring seat. Clean and set these aside.

8. The factory brass ring is now visible. it is one piece but most likely broken Into two pieces Remove it from the shaft. It is not reused. (It may be easier to remove with the seal In step 9 removed.)

9. Remove the flange seal being careful not to damage the seal retaining surface.

10. Install the new lock ring with 45 degree surface toward differential. (the flange spring seat may aid in installation). With lock seated, place the thrust washer over the shaft. It can be held in place with a thin layer of assembly lube or grease. Or install washer between spring and spring seat.

11. Install new seal. Place a thin film of grease on the O.D. and the l.D.. Tap in using a flat round plate. With seal In place, verify that the thrust washer is still in place.

12. Install flange with spring seat on spring. Use the tool supplied to seat flange fully on to the splined shaft and install the concave washer over the 10mm stud along with snap ring before fitting tool on flange (pressure side out) on the 40% kit only. Use the new snap ring on both the 40 and 80% kits.

13. Remove flange tool and install rubber cap seal.

14. Install CV’s and torque to 33 ft./Ibs.

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